Welcome my dear Shakti.

So happy you're here. Welcome to Module 1. This is where we'll be meeting for our online course. Each section is organized by module so you'll have access to the modules you have registered for. You'll find the zoom link for our livestream trainings, and all of the relevant documents and references for Module 1 here.

  1. 1
    • Let's get started + Zoom Link

    • Module 1 Recordings

    • Module 1: Igniting Our Sacred Fire Manual (PDF)

    • ASSIGNMENT: Read Rie's 5 Reasons Why Eroticness Matters & Reflect

    • ASSIGNMENT: Read Stanley Keleman's 'The Human Ground: Sexuality, Self and Survival' and Reflect

    • For Your Support

    • Book List

    • QI GONG Terminology

    • SMMT Student Group Check-In/Review (Video Replay)

    • Closing Module 1. Thank you!